
Cooperation with renowned enologist Hynek Vích

It is important to us that the quality of our wines continues to grow. That is why we highly appreciate the cooperation with renowned oenologist Hynek Vich.

His oenological education and internships in the wine regions of France are crowned with honorary diplomas of merit in the regions of Beaujolais and Champagne, and later in the Touraine region. In 2006, he became an honorary member of the prestigious Commanderie du Bontemps de Médoc, des Graves, de Sauternes et de Barsac.

In the Czech Republic, he was involved in the production of the Czech TV programme “Wandering for Wine”. Since 2008, Hynek Vich has been working exclusively with Good Wine Lover, whose e-shop offers Château ESCOT wines from our production.

All the steps and modernisation processes we are undertaking in the winery would like to result in the promotion of our wines already labelled “Cru Bourgeois” to “Cru Bourgeois Supérieur” and “Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel”. We believe that Mr Vich’s erudition can help us significantly in this endeavour.